Project 3: Computer Applications Animation

In this project, we are required to produce a 60-90s animation using 3Ds Max.

1. Download 3ds max landscape scene online and import to the file.

2. Click the Auto Key

3. Move the frame to half, then move the door till half.

4. Move the frame and the door till the end. Start render.

5. Create a line.

6. Select line then go to modify > select vertex > scroll down and select fillet > adjust the line.

7. Create a camera.

8. Select the camera > click "Motion" tab > go to "Assign Controller" click "position" > click the small box on the left top side of the assign controller.

9. When the box pop out click "Path Constraint".

10. At the Command Panel scroll down till "Path Parameters" > click "Add Path" > Click on the line that created.

11. Duplicate the line and select the camera focus point the repeat the step above. * at "Path Parameters" increase the vaue of "% along path" so that the focus point will be in front of the camera.

12. Start render.

13. Compile all video in video editor.

Final Video:


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