Project 2: Understanding Forces in Building Construction

In this project, we need to propose a building (tensile/membrane construction or grid shell construction) and identify the structural systems used in the construction of the building and describe each structural system identified in terms of Function Material and Load Distribution. We are required to produce a model on an A3 base showing the structural systems used in the above building, a detailed model showing the constructional joints and two A2 size presentation board to show the introduction, construction method, modeling, diagrams, drawings and exploded axonometric construction detail. The building we chosen in this building was A-Bo-Atash Amphitheatre, located in Iran is a tensile construction. Through this project I have learned to identify the basic structural systems in construction, how the loads and forces work on the structural model and the analyze the issue of the strength, stability, structural system in making the model.


SKILLS                        PROBLEM                     SPECIFIC
                                     SOLVING SKILLS         KNOWLEDGE


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