Project 2: Genius LociL: Site Analysis & Concept Development

In project 2, the design brief calls for an architectural response toward sense of place with a strong engagement and relationship to the site and programmatic requirements. First assignment for Project 2 requires an analysis of the site context as a starting point. In a group, we need to conduct the site analysis of the physical context within the identified Macro & Micro sites and produce a 7-10 mins digital presentation. The second assignment for project 2 was an individual project it requires us to produce a site analysis which document, interpret and analyze the site context and the "genius loci" of the place and produce a concept design for a Visitor Interpretive Centre based on the site analysis conclusions. Submit the Micro site analysis and Concept Drawings in 2 A2 board and 1 concept physical model.


Presentation board:


SKILLS                          SKILLS                       PROBLEMS
                                                                            SOLVING SKILLS


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