Online discussion forum is used as an effective virtual learning discussion platform for students to work as a team to help each other in exploring the precedent studies of a chosen building with cultural, historical and architectural significances, which in our group is a Baroque style building-Dresden Frauenkirche in German. Through this online discussion forum, we are able to exchange views, share and debate the knowledge derived from the precedent studies to best grasp as well as to encourage a comprehensive analysis of the underlying conceptual ideas of the building. By gathered all the architectural information, I am truly appreciate the essence of the building, have in-depth understanding of the system at work and recognize the series of the important elements that realize design aspects of the building. We are required to collectively address the questions that given via TIMES WikiSpace dicussion forum. The question I have chosen for my part is Question 2, which is:
i. Where and when was the building built?
ii. How the form or shape of the building contributes in making the building historically significant and meaningful?
Question 2:
1)    Where and when was the building build?
: Frauenfirche (Church of Our Lady) was located in Dresden, the capital of the German state of Saxony. Frauenkirche was the first large Protestant church in Germany. (Krupali Uplekar, Para 1; Churches & Cathedrals, 1997, Page 66)
: Built in 18th century. Between August 26, 1726 and May 27, 1743. (Frauenkirch- dresden.de,  Building History)

Key Plan
The Frauenkirche is located in former East Germany

Location Plan
Located in the capital of the German state of Saxony

Site Plan
Situated in the middle of Alstadt on the Dresden Neumarkt very close to the Brühischen Terrasse, the Akademie der Künste and the Kulturpalast.

Site Context
1)    How the context, building period and evolution makes the building historically significant and meaningful?
: The most famous buildings of Dresden (Church of Our Lady) were erected in the 18th century in Baroque style. The Frauenkirche was located in Dresden, a Baroque city situated in the heart of former East Germany. The Fraunenkirche wss contructed between 1726 and 1743. In 1722, George Bähr started on plans for new building to replace the small Gothic church. The church was providing a clear and dominating centerpiece for the extnesively planned historical city. (Krupali Uplekar, Volume11, Para 3)
The foundation stone was laid for the new Frauenkirche in 1926 after four years of planning. George Bähr decided to erect a central building with a dome on a square base. The church was consecrated in 1734 whilst still under construction- without organ and with only a provisional altar. The stone dome was completed in the following years up to 1738. In 1743 the building was finally completed with the erection of a stone lantern. Bähr goal that the Frauenkirche be “like a single stone from the ground to its highest point” had been achieved. (frauenkirche-dresden.de, History, George Bähr’s baroque church, Para 2)
The form of the stone, bell-shaped dome of the Frauenkirche is unique and is the largest building of its kind north of the Alps. The original plans submitted for ratification by George Bährin 1722 initially showed a copper-plated wooden dome, but this variant proved too expensive. Experts and George Bähr was concluded on the constuction in stone in 1733. The dome was finished in 1736, but cracks soon appreared in the inner piers and connectiong arches. In the end, the council decided to leave the dome as it was and erect a lantern that was lighter than the one originally planned by Bähr. (frauenkirche-dresden.de, History, George Bähr’s baroque church, Para 4)
In1945, 200 hundred years after the church was constructed, Dresden was bombed and completed destroyed, and along with it the magnificient Frauenkirche. (Krupali Uplekar, Volume 11, Para 11)

The Different Paths of the Reformed Churc(Rudolf Stegers, Sacred Buildings: A Design Manual, 2008, Page 18)


Floor Plan of The Frauenkirche (http://www.holgermatthes.de/bricks/en/frauenkirche-bauphase.php)



Section Plan (http://www.utopiarchive.com/post/88363850842/archimaps-section-of-the-frauenkirche-dresden)


Sheer Plan (http://www.holgermatthes.de/bricks/en/frauenkirche-bauphase.php)


Elevation Plan (http://www.allposters.de/-sp/Frauenkirche-Dresden-Poster_i8748341.html)

  1. Rudolf Stegers, Dorothea Baumann. 2008. Sacred Buildings: A Design Manual. Springer Science & Business Media.
  2. Stacey Mcnutt. 1997. Churches & Cathedrals: Masterpieces of Architecture. New Line Books.
  3. Krupali Uplekar. 2006. The Institute For Sacred Architecture- The Reconstruction of the Frauenkirche. Volume 11. http://www.sacredarchitecture.org/articles/the_reconstruction_of_the_frauenkirche/.
  4. Leben in der Frauenkirche. (n.d.). Retrieved April 22, 2015, from http://www.frauenkirche-dresden.de/startseite/ .
  5. The square/rectangular church plan. (2013, September 11). Retrieved April 22, 2015, from https://quadralectics.wordpress.com/3-contemplation/3-3-churches-and-tetradic-architecture/3-3-1-the-form-of-the-ground-plan/3-3-1-3-the-squarerectangular-church-plan/
  6. HoMa's World of Bricks. (n.d.). Retrieved April 22, 2015, from http://www.holgermatthes.de/bricks/en/frauenkirche-bauphase.php
  7. UTOPIARCHIVE. (n.d.). Retrieved April 22, 2015, from http://www.utopiarchive.com/post/88363850842/archimaps-section-of-the-frauenkirche-dresden
  8. UTOPIARCHIVE. (n.d.). Retrieved April 22, 2015, from http://www.utopiarchive.com/post/88363850842/archimaps-section-of-the-frauenkirche-dresden

Learning Outcome:

     DISCIPLINE                    LIFELONG               INTERPERSONAL
     SPECIFIC                        LEARNING               SKILLS


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