1A: On-Site Sketching

A first-hand conscious experience is important in the understanding and articulation of space. This assessment introduced students to visualization and expression of space through on-site sketching activity on campus. We are required to engage with the site by experience it through a spatial sequence of our choice. While moving in sequence, we are required to record our observation and perception of the space and the human habitation of the space through free-hand sketches. The sequence must include both exterior and interior spaces. We are required to emphasize the built environment within the site to demonstrate our understanding of space on four A4-sized sketch paper in landscape and paste on an A1 mounting board. The purposes of this project are allow us to understand the notion of space in architecture, develop skills in visualizing of space through observation and perception of the chosen site, and develop skills in sketching as a mode of communication.

Learning Outcome:

    LIFELONG               DISCIPLINE
    LEARNING              SPECIFIC


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