Project 1: Famous People, Familiar Faces Diagrammatic Abstraction

In a group of 5, we are tasked to produce a complete set of architectural drawings of the Master architect's masterpiece (Farnsworth house by Mies Van der Rohe) on A3 size paper and investigate and formulate our findings into a set of 10 analysis diagrams and 10 diagrammatic models (8x8x8cm). The models should be precise and informative to express the analysis of the ideas hidden in the project assigned. the analysis is based on the following:

  • organization of form
  • organization of space
  • circulation and paths-space relationship
  • spatial hierarchies
  • context
  • elements
The purpose is to investigate and explore how spaces are created from the making of architectural elements: architectonics, solid, planes, lines, and frames. Upon completion of the project student should be able to achieve a level of understanding on the works assigned and will be able to apply the idea and concept to their project later. The idea of using pure and diagrammatic models to express the architectural idea would be in cooperated into this assignment.

Learning Outcome
PROBLEM                  SKILLS                          SKILLS


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