Project: Green-Go 2015 Short Environment Design

Environmental issues have become a great concern for mankind at present time as these issues are affecting and will affect earth and us badly. As such, there are quite a number of environmentalists or movement either government or non-governmental trying and fight the injustice human commit towards earth. In this project, in a group we are required to use the medium of film, lead the audiences into the aspirations of the green to go - and showcase the change that we want to see and be for the future world. Raise an issue, pick a case and deliver a solution. The films should be short, sharp, and provocative and up to 2 minutes. They should be original in concept, innovative and highly motivational. The Green-Go short film aims to produce creative/shocking/funny/explicit eye-opener short films and increase the awareness of current environmental issues locally and globally, and explore the local and global context of growth and therefore realizing the relationship between growth and its impact on the environment. The environment topic that we chosen are construction waste in water pollution.

Learning Outcome

SKILLS                         SKILLS                            LITERACY


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