Project 1: 3D Model
1. Place the plan background bitmap as guideline and trace the drawing for 3D drawing in autocad.

2. Open Autocad's file and select all the walls and "ExtrudeCrv" it.

3. Draw a "Box" for door.

4. Select the wall and using "BooleanDifferences" to make the hole.

5. Using "Box" to make the Floor.

6. Draw few "Box"  to create the conversation pit by using the "Boolean Differences"

7. Using the same method to create the step at the balcony.

8. Using "Box" to create the glass barrier.

9. Do the window holes using "BooleanDifferences".

10. Use "Polyline" to draw the outline of the roof

11. "Extrude" the roof.

12. Draw the frames of the door and wood louvers.

13. Create the frames and the glass of folding doors.

14. Move the wooden louver and door to the hole created before.

14. Draw fixed windows using "Box".

15. Importing topography of location from google map using Sketchup.

16.Import terrain from Sketup to Rhino and "Drap"

17. Import building model to site context.

18. Rendering.


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